AMRAD newsletter: Call for papers

Thu Nov 8 21:25:30 EST 2018

Once again, I'm asking for anyone who has experience in some aspect

of technology -- electronic design or construction, radio operating, computer

languages, whatever -- to put pen to paper (or, these days, fingers to keyboard)

and tell us about it. The newsletter can always use interesting articles and, on a

personal note, getting somebody's paper means members will have something to

read besides stuff I've written.

Articles should be (preferably) in Word or RTF, (straight text acceptable) emailed to me

at the above address or to EDITOR at AMRAD.ORG mailto:EDITOR at AMRAD.ORG .  Any illustrations or other

graphics should be in separate files, not incorporated into the document. That makes it 

easier when I get to formatting it into the newsletter.

And oh, by the way. we can always use a few more speakers. If you don't feel

you can write, you can almost certainly talk.


Dick, ye Newsletter editor.
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