Fwd: More AI links for taco list from Hal

Nan and Sandy Sanders radiodog77 at pobox.com
Fri Apr 7 12:49:01 EDT 2023

>Forbes has a few good short podcastsstle articles  worth the ride...
>"Chat GPT4 Is 5X Smarter Than chat GPT3: Tech Icons Launch Petition to Pause"
>"GPT-4: Commotion and Controversy"
>"GTP-3 Release: What it means For the Future of Your Business"
>(You may hear the name Hinton, he is considered the father of the 
>deep learning).
>Letter from AI luminaries Asking for a Pause.... (avoid the press 
>hype, this is the actual letter)
>One thread of the debate.  (Scott is a well known quantum complexity 
>theorist currently on leave working at OpenAI on "alignment" -- the 
>field trying to ensure
>that a sufficiently powerful AI doesn't decide to eliminate humanity)
>Follow his back and forth with comment authors too.
>Don't feel bad if you can't follow the quantum complexity 
>discussions.   I advise staying clear of those.
>Hallucination.   A problem with all AI based on deep learning and 
>traced to "semantic noise" in the training data and the deep 
>learning model itself.
>"ChatGPT Invents a sexual harassment scandal and names a real law 
>professor as the accused"
>Hallucination  is a serious problem.  Hallucination shows up 
>everywhere in deep learning AI.  It has been traced to what is 
>called "semantic noise" in large training data.
>ChatGPT is text, but there are others that identify things in a 
>image (self-driving car) , perform medical diagnosis, decide if a 
>jailed individual is dangerous ( the so called "psychotic test") and 
>should be denied parole.
>How about using it to predict propagation?

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