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<font size="+1"><font face="Comic Sans MS">I bought a Johnson 9.9
outboard on Craigslist. It don't have a spark. I've run
through all the Ohm meter tests and all seems OK. The manual
has tests were you use a special meter to measure peak voltage
from the stator coils. I figured you could make an adapter so
you could read peak with the DC setting on a VOM. MY first
search on the web gave me this circuit<br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part1.07020904.04000106@comcast.net"
height="430" width="600"><br>
On searching a little more a guy suggested a mod which makes
sense. He added a resister to limit current.<br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part2.01060108.03040208@comcast.net"
height="203" width="600"><br>
So does this look like it will work? It don't have to give a
real accurate reading, the tolerances are large.<br>
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~~~******************* Alex Fraser *******************~~~