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---------- Original Message ----------
From: Theresa Heartney <theresaheartney@gmail.com>
To: bod@amrad.org
Date: 04/03/2022 3:07 PM
Subject: [AmradBOD] Manassas Hamfest 2022
<img src="https://www.cloudhq-mkt20.us/mail_track/mail/1d92da624704d617f7_1649012861000?uid=2375322" style="display: flex; border: 0; width: 0px; height: 0px;" class="chq-track-image" alt="" width="0" height="0">
<p>Good Morning,</p>
<p>My name is Don Meyerhoff – WA2SWX, the Hamfest Chairman for the Ole Virginia Hams ARC in Manassas, VA. As many of you might or might not know we are holding our Hamfest in Manassas Park, VA on June 4 <sup>th</sup>, 2022. </p>
<p>We are excited to be able to host our event again after a long period of not being able to. We’ve truly missed interacting with our fellow hams. I encourage you to check your schedules and, if your schedules allow, attend as a vendor. We will have tables inside an air-conditioned facility as well has having tables outside for tailgate sales. We will also be selling burgers, hotdogs and other food items.</p>
<p>You can get vendor tickets at <a href="https://www.cloudhq-mkt20.us/mail_track/link/1d92da624704d617f7_1649012861000?uid=2375322&url=https%3A%2F%2Fw4ovh.net%2Fvendors%2F">https://w4ovh.net/vendors/</a> and general admission and tailgate tickets at <a href="https://w4ovh.net/admission/">https://w4ovh.net/admission/</a><br></p>
<p>We would love to see you this year at our event. Attached is a flyer for our event along with the information needed to register for a table or tailgate space.</p>
<p>73 and Best Wishes,</p>
<p>Don Meyerhoff – WA2SWX</p>
<p>Hamfest Chairman</p>
<p>Ole Virginia Hams ARC</p>
<p><strong> <a href="https://www.cloudhq-mkt20.us/mail_track/link/1d92da624704d617f7_1649012861000?uid=2375322&url=mailto%3Avendors%40w4ovh.net">vendors@w4ovh.net</a> </strong></p>
<br><a class="cloudHQ__gmail_attachment_link" target="_blank" href="https://www.cloudhq-mkt20.us/mail_track/link/1d92da624704d617f7_1649012861000?uid=2375322&url=https%3A%2F%2Fshare1.cloudhq-mkt3.net%2F5bb03c0c5174a2.pdf" rel="noopener">Attachment: 2022 hamfest flyer.pdf</a>
<br><a class="cloudHQ__gmail_attachment_link" target="_blank" href="https://www.cloudhq-mkt20.us/mail_track/link/1d92da624704d617f7_1649012861000?uid=2375322&url=https%3A%2F%2Fshare1.cloudhq-mkt3.net%2F1cb1d0132f8f92" rel="noopener">Attachment: Manassas Hamfest.ics</a>
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