Transatlantic on 136 KHz

Peter Dodd
Sun, 3 May 1998 22:12:30 +0100

  Hi Taco Gang,

For all those who have e-mailed me, many thanks.

I need to know how you are receiving the BBC broadcast station on 198kHz

Are there any LF broadcast stations below 200kHz, or any station that 
is clearly identifyable, in the USA or Canada that I can monitor from here?

We find that the best popular receiver for LF work is the Kenwood 
TS-850 with CW filters. 
Does anyone know a proven better one?

Is there much QRM in the band 135.7kHz through 137.8kHz?

>From tomorrow I am on a week vacation to GM land. After that I will 
wait for some e-mail response before I restart slow CW transmissions.

I have increased the power and the antenna current is now nearly 
3amps. Because my QTH is only 400yds from the sea it appears to get 
out very well.

Regards, Peter, G3LDO
