LF Experimentation
Bob Bruhns
Tue, 12 May 1998 17:00:14 -0400
Located a good terrain map today at the local library - here
is the complete information.
Robert Bruhns, WA3WDR
714-1D Tamarack Way
Herndon, VA 21070-4458
1. Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level:
98 meters
2. Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:
3.6 KM to Dulles Airport
3. List of any natural formations or existing man-made
structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.)
which, in the option of the application, would tend to
shield the antenna from aircraft and thereby minimize the
aeronautical hazard of the antennas.
Station location is in a valley between two parallel
ridges. One ridge is about 1 KM to the east, running
north-south, with a ground elevation of approximately 135
meters AMSL, and many trees about 10 to 20 meters tall.
The other ridge is about 244 meters to the west, also
running north-south, with a ground elevation of
approximately 107 meters AMSL, with low trees and
generally two-story construction.
Ground elevation at station is 98 meters AMSL. Airport
is located approximately 3.6 KM southwest of station
4. Latitude and longitude of the operating locations in
N 38-58-11, W 77-22-08 (NAD1927 datum)
Determined by GPS using short-term position averaging.