[Fwd: Solar event]
David V. Rogers
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 13:15:41 -0500
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From: Dick Rucker <rrucker@clark.net>
Subject: Re: Solar event
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>Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:09:18 -0700 (MST)
>From: Paul Harden <pharden@aoc.nrao.edu>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Solar event
>X-To: Pete Burbank <plburbank@kih.net>
>X-Cc: Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion <qrp-l@lehigh.edu>
>On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Pete Burbank wrote:
>>Hi Paul,
>>I'm afraid to post this to the list (like a guy who thinks he has
>>seen a UFO). In the wee hours this AM...9 Nov at 0625 UTC I was
>>listening to 40 near the QRP freq. ...lots of nice clean signals
>>rolling in here in central Ky. There was sort of a boom in my
>>headphones and then the band was all choppy with a few weak
>>signals. It was so abrupt that I noted the time.
>This is really cool ... if you look at the solar/geomagnetic report
>I posted earlier, it cites how the MAJOR storm started around 0600 UTC.
>>From todays solar wind data, you can clearly see where the shock wave
>from fridays M-class flare and CME smacked into the Earth a bit after
>0600 UTC, which triggered the major geomagnetic storm.
>It is very difficult to predict the exact moment a shock wave hits
>the Earth, making it a rather rare event to actually witness it.
>In this case, the shock wave was rather dense (35 p/cm^3) and moving
>rather fast (700 km/sec). As it hit our magnetosphere, it temporarily
>compressed our magnetic field, generating a huge burst of electric
>current flowing along the Earths field lines. This sudden current
>flow would be heard as a burst of static. This initial shock caused
>our magnetic field to wiggle for several hours, all the while generating
>electric currents and noise. So you would hear a big burst of static,
>or boom, followed by high absorption of signals and noisy conditions
>afterwards for several hours ... or exactly what you heard. A
>celestial sonic boom of sorts.
>Thanks for sharing that with the group. It all helps this stuff
>make sense.
>> Could the solar event actually cause a thud in my ears or did I have a
>> brain transient?
>>73 Pete W4VCT
>You can also "hear" a solar event, that is, a large flare, on the air
>as well. It would also be a burst, but usually persists for several
>minutes, followed by the type II sweeps, which sounds like ignition
>noise. But it's usually all over with in 20-30 minutes.
>What you heard was clearly the supersonic shock wave of charged
>particles and protons striking the Earth. They usually arrive about
>55 hours after the actual flare that produced them (depending upon the
>speed of the shock wave).
>However, I am not qualified to evaluate whether or not you had a
>brain transient -hi.
>Thanks again for sharing that. I'm jealous, as while I have tape
>recorded the arrival of shock waves, they have been weak, mushy ones
>that built up over several minutes. Nothing with the onset that
>todays shock wave had. Must be a QSL or something for your feat.
>72, Paul NA5N