AMRAD Newsletter

Paul L. Rinaldo
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:31:01 -0500


The November-December 1998 edition of the AMRAD Newsletter is on its way to
the printer, the post office and to you. It contains several superbly
written, exciting articles about LF in general and Andre Kesteloot's trip
to the RSGB LF conference in particular. 

This is a call for contributions to the January-February 1999 edition of
the Newsletter.  Some ideas for articles:

Minutes of the November 14 AMRAD Board Meeting (Tracy Wood)
Debut of digital TV broadcasting
Winterfest and Dayton preparations
Next Genveration of Amateur Radio systems
You fill in the blank

The deadline for contributions is Boxing Day, December 26. Email to

73, Paul, W4RI