Scout jamboree

Frank Gentges
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:43:42 +0000 (GMT)


Its Called "Jamboree On The Air" or JOTA.  Hams set up operation with 
scouts in attendance and let them talk to each other.  I think there is 
some counting of contacts etc. with scoring but objective is to introduce 
scouts to amateur radio rather than running up big scores.  I did a JOTA 
setup about 10 years ago.  I think there is an article in past few months 
in QST.

Frank K0BRA

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Bob Bruhns wrote:

> My boss the Scoutmaster asked about an upcoming Scout amateur radio
> event and I believe this is called the Scout Jamboree...  Sorry to say,
> I don't know much about it.  What can I tell him about this?  Is it
> basically a Scout contest/air-party event?  Do separate Scout groups get
> together or always operate separately?
>   Bob, WA3WDR