Paul L Rinaldo
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 14:16:18 -0400


Well, I don't have a McLean address (AMRAD has a PO Drawer there). I'm in
Fairfax. However, that doesn't help you too much because I'm not the best
one to help you. Therefore, I'm taking the liberty of posting this on the
AMRAD tacos reflector to see if there's anyone else familiar with the


At 11:19 AM 4/16/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear W4ri:
>Seeing that you have a McLean address, and I live in McLean as well, I
>thought it best to contact you first in the hope that you will give me some
>I'd like to get going with data communication. Primarily, for email and
>weather fax when I am on my boat. I've bought a SCS PTC-IIe data controller
>but it refuses to initialize.
>Would you know of anyone nearby who would be prepared to check my PTC in
>his/her radio shack, just to see if it is functioning properly.
>Thereafter, I would like some guidance or a good manual that would get me
>Any assistance that you would be able to provide would be much appreciated.