Query on old IBM terminal
Robert E. Seastrom
28 Jan 2002 14:25:35 -0500
"Richard Barth" <Richard.Barth@noaa.gov> writes:
> My son the old-hardware collector recently got hold of an IBM terminal, a CRT
> with a separate Logic Base model 3197 and a display adapter model 5291-222.
> Anyone have any information on this beast?
Stolen from a used computer dealer's web site:
The IBM 3197 Display Station is for use with the IBM System/36,
System/38, AS/400, and the 5294 or 5394 Remote Control Unit. The 3197
is an attractively priced, 14-inch or 15-inch CRT display station with
a smudge-resistant screen capable of displaying up to 3,564
characters. Standard features include host-directed alphanumeric print
support for IBM ASCII printers, 4201 Proprinter - all models, 4202
Proprinter XL - all models, 4207 Proprinter X24E Model 2, 4208
Proprinter XL24E Model 2, 5202 Quietwriter III printer, 5201 Models 1
and 2 Quietwriter, and the ability to support two display sessions or
one display and one printer session concurrently.
> The logic base has both a DB-25 and a twinax socket on it. Any idea what the
> twinax is supposed to do?
The twinax is for connecting to the AS400 or the terminal front-end.
The DB25 is for a printer.
Unless your son is a collector of old IBM maiinframes, the terminal is
a curiousity and not much more. :(