Need QEX Article

Andre Kesteloot
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 18:27:31 -0500

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Terry Fox wrote:

> Anyone out there have the January/February 2000 QEX that I can
> borrow?  Apparently it has an article by Steve Hageman on a 2-250MHz
> RF source.  The latest QEX follows-up with a Network Analyzer based on
> that RF source.

I have the magazine, and will bring it to Tacos this Saturday

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Terry Fox wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Anyone
out there have the January/February 2000 QEX that I can borrow?&nbsp; Apparently
it has an article by Steve Hageman on a 2-250MHz RF source.&nbsp; The latest
QEX follows-up with a Network Analyzer based on that RF source.</font></font></blockquote>
I have the magazine, and will bring it to Tacos this Saturday
