[Fwd: LF: Good capacitance/inductance meter...]

Andre Kesteloot andre.kesteloot@ieee.org
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 08:55:13 -0400

WE0H wrote:

> I purchased a kit for a capacitance/inductance meter a few weeks ago from
> http://www.aade.com/ and it is working excellent for building my LF station.
> It took a couple of hours to build and has no alignment needed to operate.
> It uses a PIC processor for a typical 1% accuracy. It was a piece of cake to
> build and everything was there and fit, as it should. Now I can measure my
> loops inductance so I can finally get on the air.
> 73's,
> Mike>WE0H
> http://www.geocities.com/we0h/lf.html