Help Request from Website`

Joseph Penrod
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 21:46:24 -0700 (PDT)


I noticed your request for help with LW projects. I
have some experience with this, having discovered the
LWCA in 1997. I have designed and built LW equipment:
an analog receiver, low power antenna test beacon, and
a Part 15, 1750M class E type transmitter. I've also
done some programming for Linux and have some really
nice programming aids: Qt and Glade, and PyQt - the
Python language port of Qt.

Now that it looks like the FCC is finally going to do
something about a LW allocation, I have some ideas
about LW transmitters for this as well. I've seen some
designs posted on various web sites that could stand
some improvement.


Joe T. Penrod

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