There's an Amateur Radio balloon heading our way!

Iain McFadyen mcfadyenusa at
Sat Dec 23 17:07:00 CST 2006

**Heads-up** (literally)

A balloon (Hi-Ball7) carrying an Amateur Radio payload, including APRS, is
heading in our general direction. It was released from Huntsville AL, earlier
today. It has s.l.o.w.l.y risen to around 65,000 feet, and is currently over
Maryville TN, on a heading of 065degrees, and travelling at 85-105 mph.

You can check its current location, heading, altitude and speed at the very
top of the following link, and further down that page you will see the latest
track over a map.

It is still 475 miles away from Northern VA, and it may veer dramatically off
course as it encounters higher altitude winds.

Also, as it is now entering darkness, it may cool and descend. This balloon
has the potential of heading right over us and out to sea! Or it may change
direction dramatically and miss us altogether. Check back to the above link
from time to time: It will update every time you click the link, but once
opened in a browser, it does NOT update automatically (use the refresh

I'm prepared to go chasing, if it gets close to us...

Iain   KI4HLV

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