Fw: NRL Research Library Forum: Harnessing the Earth: Nikola Tesla and the Idea of Broadcasting Electric Power, 1890-1905

Paul Rinaldo prinaldo at mindspring.com
Tue Mar 13 06:14:34 CDT 2007


-----Forwarded Message-----

>From the PVRC email reflector. ----------------------------  Some of youall in the Washington DC area might be interested in this: NRL Research Library ForumHarnessing the Earth: Nikola Tesla and the Idea of Broadcasting Electric Power, 1890-1905 Wednesday, March 14, 2007Bldg. 226 Auditorium2:00 - 3:15 pm The NRL Research Library and the NRL Edison Chapter of Sigma Xi are jointly sponsoring another science history event: Professor W. Bernard Carlson, from the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia, will speak on "America's Greatest Electrical Engineer" - Nikola Tesla - who is responsible for the invention of Alternating Current electric power (AC) and radio; contributions towards the establishment of robotics, remote control, radar, and computer science; and contributions towards the expansion of ballistics, nuclear physics and theoretical physics.  This event is open to the entire NRL community.  In addition, the presentation is being made available to the Federal and research community in the surrounding area. For additional information about this event, please contact Carol Lucke at 202-767-2348 or carol.lucke at nrl.navy.mil.  Non-NRL/ONR guests who would like to attend should register through Michelle Johannes at 202-404-8626.  73,  Jim  w3cp 

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