USB Soundcard (minimal size)

Alberto di Bene dibene at
Tue Apr 3 10:05:34 CDT 2007

> We are in desperate need for a simple audio interface with 96 kHz
> 24-bits sampling rate and a good CODEC. The former Xylo project had
> that goal, but it grew into a huge multi-faced project.

  There is a clever guy here in Italy, a friend of mine, who is developing such a beast, using a 24-bit ADC from Analog 
Devices and a FPGA for USB 2.0 interfacing with the PC. When the hardware will be ready, I will write the support DLL to 
interface it with Winrad. But he can work on it only part-time, as he has also a demanding day to day job that requires 
much of his time. Stay tuned for the September - October time frame.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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