Amid lobbying, Microsoft is seen winning an international open standard vote ...NOT!

A. Maitland Bottoms bottoms at
Tue Sep 4 18:26:54 CDT 2007

Andre Kesteloot writes:

Such optimism. This was a battle in which Microsoft failed to
build consensus.

Now there are results, and the not winner:

Compare to the competition:

The OpenDocument format (ODF, ISO/IEC 26300, full name: OASIS Open
Document Format for Office Applications) passed without negative

(In a zip file linked from
is this:
                   Result of voting
 P-Members voting: 23 in favour out of 23 = 100% (requirement >= 66.66%)
   (P-Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.)
Member bodies voting: 0 negative votes out of 32 = 0% (requirement <= 25%)
Talk about "Strong Global Support" - The OpenDocument format (ODF,
ISO/IEC 26300) has it!

So, if you are in an organization that values standards compliance
in your document storage format, go to
and download some software which supports ODF. Or wait some unknown
length of time until Microsoft implements support for ODF.

Let's see if Microsoft follows up this setback by:
 - spending money to improve the OOXML specification to make it
   easier to approve, or
 - spending money on those who get a vote to change their vote, or
 - just supporting ODF with their products.


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