HP Docs

Robert E. Seastrom rs at seastrom.com
Sun Dec 23 15:10:59 CST 2007

Spiffy, what's the entry url for Agilent's documentation at their
site?  They seem to be following in the time-honored tradition of HP
in terms of having really great documentation on a really crappy web
site so that you can't find it...


Gary Chatters <gc-ar-l at garychatters.com> writes:

> Agilent is doing a good job of making application notes available as 
> PDFs at their web site.  AN-150, Spectrum Analysis Basics, is available 
> in two resolutions.  The PDF available directly from Agilent is a newer 
> edition of the one available from JPL.  There are also at least 14 
> supplements to AN-150, for example, AN-150-4, Spectrum Analysis: Noise 
> Measurements.
> Agilent has also been scanning old application notes and making them 
> available.  The popular AN-52,  Frequency and Time Standards, published 
> back in 1961, is now available online.  In addition to application notes 
> they also have user and service manuals available.  These are not just 
> for current models, which you would expect, but many older discontinued 
> models as well.   To see what they had I searched for the 5345A, which 
> they do have, and the 5245L, which is in their table but no manual 
> available.
> Agilent states that they have installed a newer search capability as of 
> November.  I only tried a couple of searches with it.  It did not always 
> bring up all of the entries that I thought it should.  But if you know 
> an AN  number, entering, say, "AN 150" in the search box on the home 
> page will list all or at least most of the AN-150 application notes.
> Another source of HP information is http://www.hparchive.com   They have 
> some app notes and equipment manuals for some really old HP equipment.  
> They also have PDFs of scanned HP catalogs.  I find it useful to have HP 
> catalogs since they provide a description and specs for any equipment I 
> might want to pick up at a hamfest or on eBay.
> 73,
> Gary
> andre kesteloot wrote:
>> Rob,
>> This is indeed an excellent find. (HP stuff was always well-detailed and 
>> illustrated)
>> We will ask Frank to archive for future reference.
>> Was there anything else you found on other sites?
>> 73
>> André
>> **************************************
>> Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
>>> In an effort to get my hands around how to drive the Agilent spectrum
>>> analyzer that I borrowed a week or so ago (not self-explanatory like
>>> my first encounter with an oscilloscope in high school!), I managed to
>>> turn up a pdf of HP Application Note 150 - Spectrum Analysis at
>>> http://dsnra.jpl.nasa.gov/technical/spectrum_analyzer/modulation.pdf
>>> Worthwhile read.
>>>                                         ---rob
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