Fl trip - VNA

Richard Cramer rwcfl at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 31 07:43:57 CST 2008


It was really good to see you again.  It had been a while.  Sorry you 
could not stick around for lunch, but I understand with the long drive 
home.  Mike and I had a good lunch, a chance to talk and catch up, and 
then went to Skycraft,  a very excellent surplus house.  I know Mike 
took some pictures, ask him to see them.

Somewhere and somehow in our conversation I brought up VNA's and my 
desire to build N2PK's.  Mike mentioned that you were or had built 
one...  How do you like it?  Do you think there is any chance that we 
could kit one thru AMRAD?  I would think that a lot of the members would 
want one, and no one to my knowledge is currently kitting them.  Your 
thoughts.  Possibly we could have those that were interested send an 
email to the list with a subject line of  [VNA-N2PK] and we could do a 
count to see if it was feasible.


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