News of the moment (Please foward this if sutable.)

Michael Chisena ka2zev at
Thu May 1 08:09:37 CDT 2008

News of the moment.
  Tech Net Migration.
  I’m going to shift the ‘tech net’ from Tuesdays at 20:00 to Wednesdays at 20:00.
  The Sterling Park Radio club has their ‘on air’ meeting on Wednesdays at 19:00. 
  They usually seem to have a good crew, so by following on to the lead perhaps I will get some check ins.
  New 6m area repeater.
  There is a new 6m repeater in the area.
  Tune 53.37 -1MHz with a 91.5 PL.
  Had a nice talk with one of the principals there.
  It’s not your normal radio club. 
  Membership is by invitation only, and that only comes with demonstrated ability in the hobby and a unanimous vote of the established members. 
  The members are assessed fees when something needs to be purchased or fixed. 
  As non members we are free to use it the repeater w/o an obligation for dues or fees.
  This means guys we are good citizens of the ham community. 
  Treat these guys the same way we treat Evan and company. 
  They are letting us use their electronic living room, let’s continue to be good guests.
  I told this contact about some of the ‘cooperative’ things going on now between AMRAD, NVFMA, Sterling Park, and other clubs in the area. 
  This good effort fits into their world view and like most things good. 
  What goes around comes around. 
  We can help each other out.
  Midland Radios
  So those of you with the Midland radios I’ve converted I will need to ‘re flash’ your sets with a new load out. I will bring my Laptop and cable with me to the following events.
  If you have any changes you want made, write them down on a tag and attach it to the radio.  That way we don’t miss anything.
  Some of the things I’ve done to my units include.
  Getting rid of the various beeps. They get tedious after a while.
  Time Out Timer. 
  Now that I have more experience with the radios, 60 seconds is not all that big a deal. 120 should not be out of the question.
  Scan Hang Time
  I’ve reduced the hang time the unit stays on channel after the scanner looses a signal. 
  I think it’s either 2.5 or 5 seconds, now it’s .5 or so.
  NVFMA is having a breakfast on Saturday Morning, the 3rd of May.
  AMRAD is having a lunch Saturday afternoon at the Tippy’s Taco’s at 12:30 in Merrifield.
  Next Wednesday is May 7th. The SPARC guys are having a face to face meeting at the park in Sterling, so I can knock out some there before the net.
  I’m thinking of removing the 53.45 channel and installing the 53.37 in its place.
  Might add some more simplex frequencies at the request of the ARES / RACES guys.
  I will have a battery, control cable and control head, so just bring the minimums. 
  If you have a ‘desk top’, bring that along. 
  Won’t need microphones and speakers.
  Vehicle Installation Tune Up Party
  Frank K0BRA is thinking of hosting a tune up event. 
  Where we check the installs for good power, safe fusing, and antenna performance. 
  I might bring along the service monitor to check peoples transmitted signals for proper FM deviation. 
  Been a lot of questions about that now that more of these ‘do everything‘ radios are becoming popular.
  I will have a limited supply of RF and DC connectors to tweak up the installs with.
  So if you have antennas to install, I will bring tools that will be useful in that goal. 
  I physically can’t do all the installs. 
  Being fat and the side effects of working in a war zone have left me with some ‘body damage’ but I can teach how if you’re willing to bend and stretch.
  That’s the news guys.

"You are, what you do, when it counts"  
The Masso

"Gravity, the quickest way down"  
Mayor John Almafi

"You ever drop an egg, and on the floor you see it break? 

You go and get a mop so you can clean up your mistake.  

But did you ever stop to ponder why we know it's true? 

If you drop a broken egg you will not get an egg that's new?" 

MC Hawking
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