AMRAD Van Re-listed

Samudra Haque samudra.haque at
Mon Sep 15 12:38:58 CDT 2008

Hi Amrad folks,

If the van does not get any good buyers (unless you want to sell at a
loss), could we conside adopting a project with member contribution to
convert the engine to gas-electric instead of just diesel ? the van
has plenty space for a bank of batteries (of almost any kind) and I am
sure we know how to design power controllers and stuff, and if needed
to source / repair a large electric motor from somewhere.

I apologise for not paying attention to the need to sell the van,
which I agree is a good thing. Consider this as a fall back option
please. I think that we only need a few kilowatt electric motor that
should move this beast upto a max of 30-35 mph with s-l-o-w
acceleration and a gas generator to act as a electrical generation
power source, so if we got a regular gas motor, to run a dynamo to
charge batteries, then we need a power controller to take care of all
the stuff, and there are microprocessors everywhere we look. Before we
do this in hardware, we can do all calculations and sims online. I
suspect the result would be EMI/RFI friendly too. Consider, we can get
rid of the gearbox, engine, transmission, and use DC motors for the
motive force and a small generator for braking applications.

Of course, this is just a suggestion.


On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 12:31 PM, fgentges at
<fgentges at> wrote:
> tacoistas,
> I have re-listed the van on eBay.  We got lots of lookers on the last
> listing but no bids.  This time the starting bit is $1.  I hope we will
> see some spirited bidding this time.  You can see it at
> Let anyone that might be interested know about it.
> Frank K0BRA
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