Interesting tiny scope

Terry Fox tfox at
Fri Jan 21 01:57:52 CST 2011

I recently found a neat little(!) scope, made by Gabotronics, the 
Xprotolab.  It is small, and so is the cost, $35.  The display is only 
about 1inch by 3/4inch, but it has a dual-trace analog, plus several 
digital inputs.  Sampling is 2MHz, I think, with an analog BW of about 
300kHz.  It also has a waveform generator.  It takes +5V power at about 
37-50ma.  I would not want to stare at it all day, but for looking at 
stereo audio signals, such as a QSD I&Q output, it could be useful.

I just got mine in today, and it looks like fun.  This looks like it 
could be embedded into something very easily.  They also have some 
larger XMEGA-based boards.
It's the XMEGA Xprotolab.

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