Interesting tiny scope

wb4jfi wb4jfi at
Fri Jan 21 14:39:16 CST 2011

A quick update:
The waveform(s) can be seen without glasses, but in order to read the 
digital displays and menus, you probably need glasses, or excellent 
vision.  Keep in mind that the display is only about one inch wide, and 
less than that tall.  TINY.

The waveform generator comes up default at 1kHz, I think, and can do 
sine, square, and triangle waves.

It also has an FFT display, including separate FFTs for each channel.  
The FFT folds over at about 30kHz, so apparently it's not using 2MHz 
sampling in that mode.  The FFT windows can be changed, and it can 
display in linear or log modes.

For only $35, it is a neat device.  Don't plan to use it as your main 
scope, but for some simple audio-freq stuff, it will be useful.  It can 
be powered by a header, or a "micro-USB" connector.  I didn't have any 
of these newer micro-USB cables, so I'm using the header right now.  
Apparently the micro-USB is what is on newer cell phones.

Incidentally, there are several ebay sellers in China that sell a small, 
ultra-portable scope, about the size of an iPhone.  It has an internal 
battery, and samples at 1 or 2MHz.  The main disadvantage is that it has 
only one analog channel.  The costs are about $75 (including shipping).  
One vendor says they have on the way a much better version, 
dual-channel, 16+Mhz sampling, etc.  But it will cost closer to $300.  
If you are interested, ebay search for ARM DSO.

On 1/21/2011 2:57 AM, Terry Fox wrote:
> I recently found a neat little(!) scope, made by Gabotronics, the 
> Xprotolab.  It is small, and so is the cost, $35.  The display is only 
> about 1inch by 3/4inch, but it has a dual-trace analog, plus several 
> digital inputs.  Sampling is 2MHz, I think, with an analog BW of about 
> 300kHz.  It also has a waveform generator.  It takes +5V power at 
> about 37-50ma.  I would not want to stare at it all day, but for 
> looking at stereo audio signals, such as a QSD I&Q output, it could be 
> useful.
> I just got mine in today, and it looks like fun.  This looks like it 
> could be embedded into something very easily.  They also have some 
> larger XMEGA-based boards.
> It's the XMEGA Xprotolab.
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