iPad, Web software

Terry Fox tfox at knology.net
Mon Apr 18 16:58:53 CDT 2011

Thanks to all for the information!  I didn't mean to start a lively debate!

Regarding the iPad2, I decided to go for it, only to find out that 
everybody is out of them, including the local Apple store.  depending on 
who you believe, either Apple is trickling them out to build up hype (I 
would believe it of Apple!), or parts are hard to get due to the 
tragedies in Japan.  So, now I wait.  I did see the new Blackberry 
Playbook today, and was not impressed.  Small, limited apps, costs the 
same as the iPad for poorer device.  Plus, it does NOT run Android, that 
was bad info.

Regarding web software, I'm still evaluating.  Thank you all for your 

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