Laptop Assistance - Found !

Richard O'Neill richardoneill at
Tue Mar 5 19:10:17 CST 2013

On 3/5/2013 7:25 PM, Andre Kesteloot wrote:
> alternately, RTFM  :-)

  Manuals? We don't need no stinkin' manuals! :-P

  Besides, when did computer companies start including operating 
instructions? That help button? Phooey.
All I got with my computer was scratch and sniff brochures enticing me 
to purchase more software and services.

  However, I would have read a manual if the computer manufacturer had 
supplied one.
They did include written instructions about safety, warranty and other 
CYA stuff from their lawyers.
Oh yes, they also told me how to plug it in and turn it on. BFD!
After that I was on my own. But, I could get online or phone help - for 
a fee. Generous, no?

  Apparently, buyers are supposed to already understand this stuff, 
along with every change that manufacturers include. Not me, I'm an aging 
I find it's still a jungle out there with pitfalls lurking everywhere. 
Fortunately, I can usually find someone who knows and is willing to help 
with answers.
Thanks much, you know who you are. :-) :-) :-)


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