Great parts for your bug-out box

Mike O'Dell mo at
Sun Apr 21 11:45:37 CDT 2013

Shakespeare has been in the marine antenna business
since shortly before the discovery of oceans and they
have a couple of bits of kit which you might consider for
your ARES or Field Day bug-out box.

they make a PL259 and a coax cable spice which go together
with nothing but a knife sharp enough to cut the plastics
and a pair of pliers. I wouldn't try running the legal limit
through these (the coax they fit wouldn't like it either)
but i have used the PL259 for up to 100-watt
service and they have performed admirably.

I realize any TruHam(tm) will want to bask in the rosin fumes
of a soldered connector, but given how well these work
in real life, they are at least worth having for those times
when doing it Old Skool is not the most pressing problem at hand.

for your consideration.......


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