Phil philmt59 at aol.com
Thu Jun 27 19:20:15 CDT 2013

On 28 Jun 2013, at 00:20, Joseph Bento wrote:

> UHF and microwave frequencies, maybe, though unlikely.  Microwave would be the only part of the frequency spectrum that could offer any significant bandwidth.  HF would be all but useless for modern, portable communication.  Commercial shortwave broadcasters within the USA are essentially nonexistent today.

Well Joe, I think there is a threat to HF from commercial, digital HF stations that have been proposed and demonstrated to transmit data long-distance without need for satellites. This certainly fuelled the plans to sell off the MW broadcast bands in the UK, until somebody pointed out that other countries use them too, and the interference (both ways) would be unacceptable. Plans were made to close down all MW broadcasts in the UK anyway (in preparation, as it were). I was thinking how much easier it would be to get DX on my competition crystal set…

Phil M1GWZ

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