Is a CdS photoresistor a good detector for green light?

Chip Fetrow tacos at
Fri Sep 6 01:53:20 CDT 2013

I'm going to guess, very broad.

Back in the late 60s, I bought a Fuji ST-710 35 MM SLR.  It was very special because it used a CdS light meter, which was supposed to be very accurate because it was sensitive to all wavelengths of light.

I went to a special event at a Marine base, and it was very dark inside.  There was a professional photographer with many cameras hanging off his body.  I asked him if the dark light was all we were going to get, and he said no, but offered an exposure recommendation.  I told him my camera said there was less light than that.  He told me my light meter was wrong because it wasn't sensitive to green.  I told him no.  He them became very excited to check out my camera because he had never seen one.

I think CdS will work very well for you.


On Sep 4, 2013, at 1:00 PM, tacos-request at wrote:

>> Can anyone shed some light (pun intended) on the receive passband of a
>> typical CdS photoresistor?

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