Dead air

Richard O'Neill richardoneill at
Tue Nov 19 17:19:44 CST 2013

On 11/19/2013 6:04 PM, Nan and Sandy Sanders wrote:
>  Is there any FCC rule that requires a broadcast station to have 
> modulation?

  I don't know but wouldn't think so. If the station is allowed to 
transmit "in the public interest" then perhaps a case could be made that 
radio silence and freely broadcast energy_/is/_ in the public interest. 
;-) They're just following in Tesla's footsteps.

  Why not use the energy to recharge batteries and power a few LED night 
lights in your home? Conceivably you might be able to also power outdoor 
Christmas decorations.
The story could be of interest to your local newspaper and area 
broadcasters. :-P

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