SDR dongle problem

wb4jfi at wb4jfi at
Tue Jan 7 14:29:54 CST 2014

When you plug in the dongle, do you get the usual Windows bong, signifying the device was recognized, and a driver was successfully loaded?

After you plug it in, have you opened the zadig program, and selected the proper USB bulk device (something like 000)?  That needs to be done each time, if I remember.  Then, I think that you need to select the USB version of the dongle in SDR#, again IIRC.

I’m right in the middle of some Arduino development on two separate projects, and can’t plug my dongle at the moment to see exactly what steps are required.  I might be able to play with it on a laptop later today or tonight.
73, Terry, WB4JFI

From: Alex Fraser 
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 2:54 PM
To: Tacos AMRAD 
Subject: Re: SDR dongle problem

Thanks Terry,

    It occurred to me that under XP it would ask if you wanted to install a new driver, but you weren't given an option in Windoze 7, so I googled it and got a hit at Microsoft on how to change the 7 settings so you would be asked.

    I tried deleting the stock driver and reloading the Zadig driver, but so far no joy.  I'll try the MS mod and latter today I will fire up my junk XP machine which I use to test new stuff on.   Also I will get around to trying Linux, any suggestions?  Also I will try an Android tablet.  I have some older tablets running 2.2 and with sparse resources, I wonder how low can you go?

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