What about Propagation ?

Richard O'Neill richardoneill at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 18 10:07:01 CST 2014

On 1/18/2014 10:34 AM, Andre Kesteloot wrote:
> BBC: Is Our Sun falling silent ?
> _
> __http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25743806_

  Yep, next thing ya know we'll be told we must increase CO2 emissions 
on a world wide basis to avoid another calamitous ice age.
Sniff, guess that will mean goodbye to Florida and California fruit.

  Of course an obvious consequence will be all those northers relocating 
to the tropics thereby increasing the Earth's equatorial bulge and 
lengthening the day to 26 hours.
At least everyone will finally get two more hours of sleep each night. 
That doesn't sound so bad since there will be little to do except keep 
warm as best we can.
Of course everyone will blame Chicken Little (Al Gore) and all those 
stupid global warming scientists and politicians for getting us into 
this mess.
Meanwhile, that lazy old sun will keep right on winding down to it's 
eventual fuel depletion and nova burst. Oh well, perhaps we'll be long 
gone before then.

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