Opinions on safety of dropbox ???

Zachary Yarashus KJ4BXT at arrl.net
Mon Aug 4 08:08:59 CDT 2014

I have tried using FreeNAS, and been fairly happy with the results. One of
the things I really like about it is the ability to mount it as a network
drive and work directly from it.
That may or may not be as relevant in your case. The web GUI is also pretty
I set it up on one of these servers:


4 SATA hard drive ports, 16 GB of ECC RAM, and 8 Xeon CPU cores for less
than $200. (+ hard drives of course)

Just as an aside, I really like these servers. They seem to have been made
for an unknown government agency by dell, so there's no documentation or
but there's such a surplus of them and they're so cheap that you could buy
a few and keep backups. They're fairly powerful too. I've used one as a
render server for some of my CG work.
You can't build much of a computer for less than $200, but these have quite
decent specs, and are server grade hardware.

Anyway, back on topic,
FreeNAS uses ZFS, which is very nice as it claims to have the ability to
detect silent bit rot. While two is better than one, not having to use the
second is even better.
FreeNAS does recommend using server grade hardware. e.g. this article:
Personally, I like having access to my hardware, but that's probably not
much of an issue for most people.
Amazon AWS seems to be highly recommended. I've only used their EC2 compute
services, but if they work the same way, it's a pretty nice setup.

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 5:05 PM, R Cramer <rwcfl at tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> Anyone have experience with Dropbox?  Any opinions on security? Restated
> dropbox vs FreeNAS as an internal cloud?
> Anyone current on cost of building a FreeNAS if that appears to be the
> choice.  You guys have MicroCenter close buy.  How are there prices these
> days?
> Dick
> KY2E
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