GSM GPS tracker

WB4JFI wb4jfi1 at
Thu Oct 16 14:04:54 CDT 2014

I have not played with them myself, but several Yahoo groups have recently been playing with the Neo-6 and Neo-7 GPS units.  They use them to create accurate frequency references.  Unfortunately, those units don’t directly create square waves at exactly 10MHz, but they can be programmed to other freqs.  The SDR-Widget(Google groups), SoftRocks (Yahoo), QRP(Yahoo), and openHPSDR groups have all had info regarding these recently.  Here is a web site describing some of the work:

Some are using the reference pulses from these devices to lock a PLL.  Phase noise and distortion CAN be greatly minimized if the output frequency can be an even division of the master clock.

These devices are great for inexpensive, portable references – as long as you can see the GPS satellites.  Otherwise, the inexpensive rubidium standards are a better bet.  It’s cool to have both a GPS reference AND a rubidium standard, and compare them.
73, Terry, WB4JFI

From: Alex Fraser 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 2:40 PM
To: AMRAD Tacos 
Subject: GSM GPS tracker

I was playing around on Ebay and with  "GPS"  as a search search came across a whole bunch of GPS trackers.  Some were as cheap as $14.  
Has anyone played with these?

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 ~~~********************Alex Fraser********************~~~

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