Mark Whittington markwhi at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 07:49:32 CDT 2014

When you say "celestial navigation," do you literally mean using a sextant,
can't navigate if it's cloudy celestial navigation?

That's a little scary.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 8:41 AM, fgentges at mindspring.com <
fgentges at mindspring.com> wrote:

> When I worked for the US Navy, I was the navigation policy officer and I
> was a strong advocate of LORAN C as a backup for GPS.  We had an installed
> base of modern LORAN C receivers on our ships and the Coast Guard had the
> installed base of LORAN C transmitters.  All we had to do was the cost of
> maintenance and operation, both which were not that great.
> We would hear of shutting down LORAN C from time to time but the US Navy
> would not go along with that.
> Since that the Coast Guard decided to shut down the LORAN C transmitter
> sites.  That was a bad policy decision.
> Now the US Navy will have to use celestial navigation as back up.  They
> can probably do it but the loss of LORAN C makes it a speciality of a
> limited group of naval officers trained at the Naval Academy.
> Frank K0BRA
> On 10/31/2014 04:33 AM, Philip Miller Tate wrote:
>> I thought I'd get this in quick, before André beat me to it:
>> www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-29758872
>> Phil M1GWZ
>> Sent from my brain, via my fingers
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