FCC reported to be trying to prevent 3rd party WiFi device firmware upgrades

Martin dcmk1mr2 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 11:56:03 CDT 2015

Rob - I hope you're right and it works out that simple.

The good news - I wonder if there will be a fire sale on the older,
non-compliant stuff soon:
"All devices partially or completely approved under the old rules cannot be
marketed starting June 2, 2016 unless they meet the requirements of the new
rules in all the bands of operation. "

The bad news - you can't firmware update the older gear, unless upgraded:
"Starting June 2, 2016, permissive changes will not be permitted for devices
approved under the old rules, unless they meet the requirements
of the new rules."

I'd love to find out how the FCCs plans to enforce this one.

73 Martin W6MRR

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Rob Seastrom <rs at seastrom.com> wrote:

> Fifteen years ago give or take, there was a big kerfluffle about DeCSS
> and DVD ripping.  Today's code signing algorithms may be stronger than
> content scramble system, systems today often have TPMs built in... but
> keys that can generate "signed" binaries will be leaked, tribal
> knowledge will accumulate about which rev levels of which devices are
> "the good ones to have", and eventually we're back to the ecosystem of
> today, but with the added complicating dimension of crypto.
> In short, the Internet routes around damage.  If the FCC cares to
> waste their cycles and taxpayer dollars here, it won't work out well
> for them.
> -r
> Martin <dcmk1mr2 at gmail.com> writes:
> > This extends beyond WiFi routers - it's anything with a Part 15
> Certification.  Phones with WiFi, IOT, ...
> >
> >
> >
> > The FCC seems to be suggesting that manufacturers use a bootloader that
> looks for signed binaries. Â Â
> >
> >
> >
> > The comment deadline has been extended to Oct
> > 9. [[
> https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/09/01/2015-21634/extension-of-time-for-comments-on-equipment-authorization
> ]]
> >
> >
> >
> > Martin W6MRR
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Artie Lekstutis <[[Artie at lekstutis.com]]>
> wrote:
> >
> >           Has anyone else heard of this? Is this accurate? Bad news if
> it is. This would probably
> >      exclude the use of Broadband-Hamnet (and DD-WRT).
> >
> >      This is the Hackaday article that first brought my attention to
> this. Their stuff can be a bit
> >      fringe, especially their opinions, but is usually somewhat accurate:
> >      [[
> http://hackaday.com/2015/09/02/save-wifi-act-now-to-save-wifi-from-the-fcc/
> ]]
> >
> >      Hereâ(TM)s a direct link to the FCC website that specifically
> identifies DD-WRT as an example of
> >      needing to be excluded from all firmware updates for future
> regulatory compliance:
> >      [[
> https://apps.fcc.gov/kdb/GetAttachment.html?id=1UiSJRK869RsyQddPi5hpw%3D%3D&desc=594280%20D02%20U-NII%20Device%20Security%20v01r02&tracking_number=39498
> ]]
> >
> >      Except that it is conveniently unavailable now until the end of the
> comment period while âoethe
> >      FCC IT Team will be working to upgrade and modernize the FCCâ(TM)s
> legacy infrastructureâY\... I
> >      was able to read it yesterday. Luckily I have a cached copy. I'm
> reluctant to distribute it even
> >      though it's an FCC document that was published publicly. If you can
> find a copy, see
> Control: 2âY\...
> >
> >      If what they are saying is true- this will exclude many very useful
> projects from being flashed on
> >      future commercial hardware of any type. This would include DD-WRT,
> OpenWrt, SECN,
> >      Broadband-Hamnet, HSMM-MESH, etcâ¦
> >
> >      This in fact degrades security as it means you are now entirely
> dependent on the WiFi device
> >      manufacturer patching vulnerabilities, which they often donâ(TM)t
> do or do very slowly, especially
> >      on older hardware. Options like DD-WRT usually address such
> vulnerabilities very quickly, if they
> >      ever had them in the first place.
> >
> >      I havenâ(TM)t made a public comment yet. Still trying to understand
> the details.
> >      [[
> https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/08/06/2015-18402/equipment-authorization-and-electronic-labeling-for-wireless-devices
> ]]
> >
> >      Thanks,
> >      Artie Lekstutis
> >      KC2MFS
> >      73
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> >      [[Tacos at amrad.org]]
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> >
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