I just had a new modulation idea

kf4hcw kf4hcw at lifeatwarp9.com
Fri Aug 19 14:25:56 EDT 2022

I know, I know,... it's probably already somebodys' patent... or some 
other problem, but check this out anyway and let me know your thoughts.

It's musical.

I call it "fifths" for now.

Two tones at a time.

Tones are phase locked and related to each other as a musical fifth.

To encode a 1 you move the bottom note a fifth above the top note.

To encode a 0 you move the top note a fifth below the bottom note.

To encode no change (perhaps a bit-sequence change, or just silence like 
no typing) simply do not change notes.

If moving the note moves you to a new octave invert the fifth... this 
keeps the tones close together within the pass band without destroying 
their relationship.

The integration time for at least one of the notes always spans two 
symbols so you can use that to dig the signal out of the noise.

All of the symbols in any sequence are phase related to each other so 
that you can use multiple symbols to recover any that are missing by 
dramatically reducing the computational space required to check 
alternative decoding solutions.

Interfering signals will not have the same phase relationships (or at 
least the probability of collisions is vanishingly small).



Pete McNeil

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