June AMRAD Column

Paul Rinaldo rinaldo@ties.itu.ch
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 12:04:55 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear John,

I'm here in sunny Geneva and need to get the June AMRAD column for
Auto-Call to you, as follows:

AMRAD members meet at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month in the
Dolley Madison Branch Library, McLean, Virginia. Guests and especially
prospective members are welcome to attend. Our meetings are for the
purpose of exchanging information and exploring technology, not for
business discussions. 

The June 11 meeting will be devoted to digital photography.
Participants are asked to bring their digital cameras and photos taken
with digital cameras, also with conventional cameras and converted to
digital form.

A number of us meet at Tippy's Taco at 12:30 each Saturday to discuss
ongoing projects. The one capturing imaginations nowadays is the use of
digital signal processing (DSP) techniques on low frequencies. 

73, Paul, W4RI