Fw: Nova ComSoc Mtg, 24 JUNE, Time-Space Coding

Paul Rinaldo prinaldo at mindspring.com
Sun Jun 22 04:06:36 CDT 2003


Space-time coding is getting a lot of attention these days. Perhaps this meeting is of interest.

Paul, W4RI

Dear IEEE ComSoc Member or friend,

The IEEE Northern Virginia Communications Society is privileged to
its 2002-2003 season with a truly excellent speaker, Dr. Steven G.
Wilson.  Dr. Wilson is Professor of electrical engineering at the
University of Virginia.  His topic is on Space-Time Coding, a topic
which has received a great deal of recent attention in academic and
industrial research communities.  The meeting will be at Northrop
Grumman, 12011 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, VA.  We will begin at 6:00
p.m. with a light dinner (please rsvp me at Fred.Seelig at ieee.org).
Wilson will begin his talk at 6:45 p.m.  If you'd like to help defray
the cost of dinner, donations will be accepted.

We will not have a traditional meeting in July.   Instead, if you are
interested, please join me and your fellow Communications Society
engineers on Tuesday, July 29th. for a happy hour at the Sheraton
Tyson.s Corner, at the corner of Rt. 7 and the Dulles Toll Road,
beginning at 6 p.m.

There will be no meeting in August.

We will kick off the 2003-2004 season with a talk on ad-hoc mobile
networks research going on at the MITRE Corporation, by Dr. John
a researcher who.s done a lot of research into efficient and robust
protocols between mobile nodes in an ad-hoc network of the future.

You can always get the on-line schedule of local IEEE events here:

The Northern Virginia IEEE community has a wonderful new tool that we
will be using increasingly more often:


Membership is free to IEEE members, so please log in and get an
account.  (Have your IEEE membership number handy.)  Once you get an
IEEE Virtual Communities account, make sure you become a member at
National Capitol Area (NCA), which is our area.  Once there, you can
a calendar of events.  This Virtual Communities thing is pretty neat.
could see us doing a lot of decision-making and poll-taking over the
Internet in the not too distant future.  There is even an on-line
feature.  We will use this NCA Virtual Community to publish our
schedules of future events, pictures, documents such as meeting
and other things.  This is just starting, so get in and start using
now, and watch this tool evolve over time.  I.m very excited about
and I think you will be too.

Best regards,

Fred Seelig
IEEE Communications Society
Northern Virginia section
fred.seelig at ieee.org
(703) 883-3223 work
(703) 963 7275 mobile

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