$150 processor card ideal for self-contained SDR (transceiver?)

Alberto di Bene dibene at usa.net
Sat Jan 17 10:02:58 CST 2009

Michael O'Dell wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEL0sW71PFs&NR=1
> note that since the OMAP3 was created as the processor for
> a multi-mode 3G cellphone, the DSP functions are very non-trivial.
> this should allow one to build a "Perseus-style" SDR
> but one should be able to forego the FPGA baseband processing
> and just use DSP horsepower along with the high-performance A/D
> units (which were also done for cellphones).
> seems like a AMRAD dream hack-toy
> 	-mo

I have one of them, I bought it a couple of months ago just for SDR purposes.
The biggest problem with it is that you have to use the PC as development
platform, as the BB itself has not enough RAM to run a full fledged IDE
environment. But of course the OMAP processor of the BB is not compatible with
the Pentium CPU, so you have to install on the PC a complete cross-development
environment, to be able to compile and debug OMAP programs on the Pentium.
This must be done under Linux.

A not simple stuff, complicated (at least for me) by the fact that my skills
on Linux are almost nil. So for the time being I have put that board aside, and
I bought a miniITX with the ATOM 330 processor, still with SDR goals in mind.
A completely different world... totally Pentium compatible, you can run on it
WinXP, Vista, Windows 7 and Linux... and you can use all the development tools you
are familiar with, no perilous forays in new strange worlds... {:-)

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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