$150 processor card ideal for self-contained SDR (transceiver?)

Alberto di Bene dibene at usa.net
Sat Jan 17 16:47:16 CST 2009

Michael O'Dell wrote:
> 128 Megs should be plenty of RAM to do software development.
> what is probably lacking is "disk" space. a card in the SD slot
> can probably hold all the dev software required, but there's
> also the alternative of connecting a USB disk drive
> via the USB spigot. then paging will work, too.

Well, I used an 8GB SDHC card, so there was a lot of "disk space"
Even tried to connect a 320GB 2.5" USB disk (ext3 formatted) to
the independently powered USB Hub where I had the keyboard,
mouse and WiFi stick connected (and working), but the Linux
Armstrong that I had running on the BB chocked, spitting out on the
terminal console connected to the serial port tons of error messages,
then hanged
> of course, there is the fact that I consider vi (or vim), make,
> and the C/C++ compiler toolchain to be a perfectly usable
> software dev environment which was more than good enough to
> build Linux (and BSD Unix before it). if you want more than
> what vim does for you, run Emacs and get a "full-fledged IDE".

My intention was to develop an X11 application, with windows,
bells and whistles, and I doubt it can be efficiently coded without
a visual environment. And a visual development environment, as
far as I know, needs more than the 128 MB of RAM the BB has.
> the really interesting stuff will be getting the DSP engine
> turned up and working, and that will almost certainly be
> easier hosted on the board.

Yes, what I wanted to do was a complete SDR on the BB, with DDC,
NCO, convolutional filters, demodulators, denoiser, etc. together
with a spectrum and waterfall display. A sort of mini Winrad.
Given the capabilities of the board, that should be technically
possible, but it needs somebody more knowledgeable about Linux than me...

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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