White boards and oops.

Terry Fox tfox at knology.net
Sat Feb 5 19:56:53 CST 2011

I was at the Charleston Hamfest today, showing off the Charleston SDR.  
As part of the demo, I brought a nice, brand-new large white board to 
help with discussions.

About five minutes into the first discussion, I looked down to see a 
SHARPIE in my hand, not a dry erase marker!@#$@  Yes, a black, permanent 
Sharpie!  Woe is me!  I tried to clean it right away, no dice.

Fortunately, a smart ham was nearby, and suggested that I go over the 
Sharpie lines with a dry-erase marker, and then wipe them off right away 
before it dried.  Viola!  It took the Sharpie completely off!  Yeah!


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