Funny 220 response code...

Howard Cunningham howardc at
Fri Mar 1 18:35:26 CST 2013

I spend much of my day looking into various email problems for our customers.  I was working on one today and came across an interesting log entry.

When our server sends a message and initial connection is made and the remote sends out a "220" SMTP response code.  Usually it's just the official host name of the server, but some send out all kinds of spam and security warnings.   Some US Government servers give out a couple of pages of warnings via a 220 code.  Nobody ever sees these codes unless they have access to the server logs or manually telnets to the server... the code is not included in a message header.  Anyway to get to the point... a user needed to know if a message was actually delivered so I checked the log (and it was delivered).   The 220 SMTP response code from whoever runs the server made me laugh:

13:12:01 [41241] Connection to from 72.9.X.X:63739 succeeded (Id: 51)
13:12:08 [41241] RSP: 220 **** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****                                             64K RAM SYSTEM @ 38911 BASIC BYTES FREE              READY.

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