
Alberto di Bene dibene at
Thu Mar 21 05:08:21 CDT 2013

On 3/20/2013 6:41 PM, Alex Fraser wrote:

> I'm figuring on buying an Arduino.  I'll start with an assembled one.  Which version are people using on this list?

Personally I would skip the Arduino board, focusing instead on this inexpensive (about 14 USD) ARM Cortex M4F
based board, which is vastly more powerful than the AVR processor used by Arduino...

I am developing a PC-less SDR receiver with it, and it looks like it has enough horse power for the task, at least
for the LW. Its 3 ADCs could sample at an aggregate rate of 8.4 Ms/sec, in interleaved mode, but then the
floating point core is not fast enough to cope with this speed. But limiting ourselves to the LW, it looks like
it is feasible, bar unforeseen problems.

Up to now I coded the ADC/DMA part, the NCO, the downconversion to zero IF, the anti-alias FIR and the decimator,
and a prototype 1024-point FFT at baseband, and the remaining CPU cycles look as they should allow an AM/SSB/CW
demodulation without reaching the 100% utilization.

The problem I see is the human interfacing.... an SDR needs a way to input the tuning frequency, and ideally a
spectrum/waterfall display of the band segment.  Probably I will need a second board to perform these mundane tasks...

Time will tell...

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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