Interesting approach to networking

Mike O'Dell mo at
Mon Sep 23 22:49:20 CDT 2013

supporting everything across the web is a great way to get
initial capability up and running without the tedium and heartbreak
that is woefully evident on the ham raspberry pi lists.
and for what a lot of people want to do, it will be fine.

however, i doubt seriously it will take people very long to
reverse engineer whatever spells and chants are spoken between
the goobers and the servers and in short order there will be
local servers that will provide the runtime services locally.
reproducing the online dev environment might be more work, but
that will get done to some degree or another, assuming it's
worthwhile. keeping dev on their web site might be the easy
answer anyway.

so while the electric-imp isn't everyone's cup of tea this minute,
i doubt the determined hardware repurposer will have to wait very long.


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