Interesting DATV development using generic SDR hardware

wb4jfi at wb4jfi at
Sat Nov 23 14:57:11 CST 2013

>From Ron, W6RZ, in the DigitalATV Yahoo group:

Over the last week, I've been able to get the bladeRF Software Defined Radio 
to transmit a fully compliant ATSC signal.

Details here.

The board is also capable of DVB-T and DVB-S.

Ron W6RZ

This is an important step, since ATSC/8VSB transmission has been difficult 
and expensive in the past.  In the forum message, it's clear that more work 
needs to be done, so the BladeRF can accept a transport stream instead of 
I/Q data, but with a little more work, that could be done as well, reducing 
the load on the host PC.  I'm not sure if they are using the $420 or the 
$650 BladeRF board.  I believe some European ATV people also have specific 
FPGA boards doing DATV, but I think they are DVB-T or DVB-S, not ATSC.  Not 
that makes a lot of difference for amateur operations, as DVB receivers are 
available on ebay...
Terry, WB4JFI

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