Fwd: Tuesday Night Tech Net 8 PM on 81/21 repeater

Nan and Sandy Sanders radiodog77 at pobox.com
Mon Jan 19 10:58:59 CST 2015

>Tuesday Tech Net  Agenda for Jan  20, 2015
>============== TOPICS ==============================
>1. Future Project Ideas
>2. Doing more communicating with easy new tools
>3. Timing and Synchronization Issues in FH spread spectrum.
>1.  Project Round-Up
>In this section we will very briefly talk about what projects we 
>WOULD like to work on.   Each of us
>is pretty busy with current projects, but, we each have something 
>we'd like to do next, if we only
>had the time!        As an example, for myself, I would like to 
>learn and use surface mount techniques so
>that I can move up to building more modern projects.   How to do 
>this? There's plenty of information on the web
>and flow ovens can be built from a common kitchen toaster 
>oven.  Where to begin?
>So, what's your "next" project and what will you have to do to start 
>doing it?  Cave radio?  FM-SSB? (yes, it does exist),
>GNU Radio?
>2. In the second part I want to say a few words about how we can do 
>a project together while stretched across the country.
>Its one reason I thought getting all our far-flung member to work 
>toward an on-the-air project is important.
>There are also new tools. The tools that seem to be popular 
>elsewhere are mark-down that makes it easy to scribble up and publish
>a discussion and github for posting repositories of code so others 
>can download, modify and re-push the repository back for others to 
>use.   If you want to take a quick
>look at these (www.github.com).  Mark down is a much simpler way to 
>create HTML documents.  More on this on the net.
>3. We will again look at the timing issues that Terry is working on 
>with the Arudino code.  The questions is drift.  As the
>Ard heats up the resonator will drift.  We learned way back that 
>synchronization consisted of a gross level (search, pull-in and lock) and
>a fine level (tracking) where the clock speed is "dithered" to find 
>the best synchronization point.  Does the
>GPS 1-pps common pulse eliminates the need for the gross 
>synchronization?  What about the fine synchronization step?  Suppose
>you wanted to avoid a disciplined external clock source entirely and 
>do gross synch yourself?
>Tech Net meets at 8 PM on the WB4CIA echo link conference point and 
>on the 81/21 repeater
>located at Tyson Corner, Virginia.  Sandy, WB5MMB is conference coordinator.

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