Tuesday night net

Nan and Sandy Sanders radiodog77 at pobox.com
Mon Jan 19 11:34:30 CST 2015

Try again to see if the formatting works this time.

Tuesday Tech Net  Agenda for Jan  20, 2015

============== TOPICS ==============================
1. Future Project Ideas
2. Doing more communicating with easy new tools
3. Timing and Synchronization Issues in FH spread spectrum.

1.  Project Round-Up
In this section we will very briefly talk about what projects we 
WOULD like to work on.   Each of us
is pretty busy with current projects, but, we each have something 
we'd like to do next, if we only
had the time!        As an example, for myself, I would like to learn 
and use surface mount techniques so
that I can move up to building more modern projects.   How to do 
this? There's plenty of information on the web
and flow ovens can be built from a common kitchen toaster 
oven.  Where to begin?

So, what's your "next" project and what will you have to do to start 
doing it?  Cave radio?  FM-SSB? (yes, it does exist),
GNU Radio?

2. In the second part I want to say a few words about how we can do a 
project together while stretched across the country.
Its one reason I thought getting all our far-flung member to work 
toward an on-the-air project is important.
There are also new tools. The tools that seem to be popular elsewhere 
are mark-down that makes it easy to scribble up and publish
a discussion and github for posting repositories of code so others 
can download, modify and re-push the repository back for others to 
use.   If you want to take a quick
look at these (www.github.com).  Mark down is a much simpler way to 
create HTML documents.  More on this on the net.

3. We will again look at the timing issues that Terry is working on 
with the Arudino code.  The questions is drift.  As the
Ard heats up the resonator will drift.  We learned way back that 
synchronization consisted of a gross level (search, pull-in and lock) and
a fine level (tracking) where the clock speed is "dithered" to find 
the best synchronization point.  Does the
GPS 1-pps common pulse eliminates the need for the gross 
synchronization?  What about the fine synchronization step?  Suppose
you wanted to avoid a disciplined external clock source entirely and 
do gross synch yourself?

Tech Net meets at 8 PM on the WB4CIA echo link conference point and 
on the 81/21 repeater
located at Tyson Corner, Virginia.  Sandy, WB5MMB is conference coordinator. 

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