What could go wrong?

Nan and Sandy Sanders radiodog77 at pobox.com
Mon Jun 29 11:13:21 EDT 2020

Pete,run it on real hardware with a 32 bit 
version of windows and it works fine.

At 08:28 AM 6/29/2020, kf4hcw wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>  boundary="------------A9A8EBB038E1C2F280976EFA"
>Content-Language: en-US
>On 6/28/20 11:47 PM, Alex Fraser wrote:
>>I have some hazy ideas about keeping a digital 
>>station running on the same machine I social network on.  What could go wrong?
>I have (up until the recent storms) been running 
>wispr on my daily driver in a windows VM in the 
>background w/ my flex 6300 -- band hopping with my virtical loop.
>I have learned that one must reboot windows at 
>least once per day or it will eat itself and 
>lose the ability to maintain good timing - 
>producing hash in its output and input.
>I have also learned that the wspr software will 
>generate an unlimited amount of data in the 
>background that must be deleted once per day 
>(about the time I reboot it) so that the disk doesn't fill up and break things.
>So, that could go wrong, but it's easily 
>mitigated with a small maintenance routine.
>Pete McNeil
>Tacos mailing list Tacos at amrad.org 

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