lf in the west

Jeff Foster jfoster@uclink.berkeley.edu
Tue, 02 Apr 2002 13:14:55 -0800

I have been reading your pages and find them very interesting.
I listen a bit to nature radio and have built both the BBB-$ and one
based on an op-07 . I am interested in more lf stuff. I will need to
build a LF convertor for my little sony sw. Dose amrad have a plan yet?

not sure how I can help way out here on the west cost, but I can build
and test stuff if needed. oh, plannin gon building the "yet another LF 
preamp, byN4ICK. seem usefull. the converter I am planning on, if amrad 
does not have one is by Tim Brannon, KF5CQ, from the lwca.org library.

thanks for the great web pages, fun to read and see the folks.

Jeff Foster - SDA UNIX
UC Berkeley CA

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